Picture a classic therapeutic massage...
...relaxing overall, with specific attention to tense muscles. Then add:
Targeted relief of common symptoms and side effects of cancer treatment
Heightened safety approaches. Massage modified to cancer effects on tissues, active treatment, any lingering effects of treatment
A conversation about your health, current and past treatments. (Not too many questions, but not brushed over, either)
...and you have oncology massage therapy!
Why oncology massage therapy?
Cancer treatment can be isolating, scary, and physically strenuous. Anxiety and depression are common. along with pain, fatigue, nausea, and poor sleep. When cancer is managed as a chronic condition, these problems can persist. Even after treatment, there can be lingering physical and quality-of-life effects.
A massage therapy session, in the hands of a skilled oncology massage therapist, can relieve uncomfortable symptoms, and side effects.
A course of regular massage therapy can help with symptoms, side effects, and after-effects over time.
When can oncology massage therapy be helpful?
During cancer treatment and management, oncology massage therapy can:
Relieve symptoms and side effects of cancer treatment
Ease pain, anxiety, nausea, fatigue, and depression
Help improve sleep
Offer a “vacation from cancer” and a positive body experience
Reduce isolation
Support overall well-being
After treatment (weeks or years later), oncology massage therapy can:
Help with anxiety, depression, and poor sleep
Help support fluid, functional movement
Support overall well-being
At end of life, oncology massage therapy can:
Contribute to restorative sleep
Help people find comfortable positions for rest
Ease stress on individuals and in the household
Reduce pain, isolation, and anxiety
Support overall well-being
Massage therapy provides a welcoming space for people affected by cancer.
Many people feel real pressure: to get better, to get “good scans,” to “think positive," to "bounce back to normal,” and in general to manage everything well and cheerfully and successfully.
Oncology massage therapy provides a break from those expectations. We welcome you as you are, in whatever way you're coping, and offer a short "vacation from cancer."
What about massage therapy, COVID, and cancer treatment?
People with heightened vulnerability can receive massage safely, with good COVID protections are in place. I ask all new clients to review the COVID guidelines in this practice, described here.